Please click on the picture to see large picture of the same.
 |  Sri K. Vijaya Rama Rao, AP State Minister, discusses the Vocational Training Activity of LEKHADEEP with Sri R. Sambasiva Rao, Secretary and Sri B. Ramajoga Rao, President, LEKHADEEP. |  Special School student Mr M. Anudeep, receives a prize from Sri C. V. Avadhani, Principal AG Others await their turn. |  At the Special Olympics National Games, New Delhi – 2002 Boccee Individual Event Medal Winners. Sri G. Om Kumar of LEKHADEEP is a Silver Medal Winner. |  Dr D. K. Menon, Director, NIMH on an inspection – cum – guidance visit to LEKHADEEP |  Sri B. Ramajoga Rao and R. L. Sharma of LEKHADEEP at Parivaar Meet, Coimbatore |  VIPs at Decennial Celebrations of LEKHADEEP | ![After PARIVAAR Elections, Sri B. Ramajoga Rao, President, LEKHADEEP, [reelected as Vice-President, PARIVAAR for a 3rd Term] is seated next to Sri J. P. Gadkari, President, PARIVAAR, click here to see large picture.](i/t-lekhadeep-71.jpg) After PARIVAAR Elections, Sri B. Ramajoga Rao, President, LEKHADEEP, [reelected as Vice-President, PARIVAAR for a 3rd Term] is seated next to Sri J. P. Gadkari, President, PARIVAAR |  Smt Vijaya Lakshmi, Music Teacher giving lessons at the Group Residential Home “LEKHA SAMARTH” |  Dr D. K. Menon, Director, NIMH with the LEKHADEEP - Thanks giving delegation, at his Farewell Function |  | |